25 of the Dumbest Things People Have Heard Others Say With 100% Seriousness


Have you ever been chatting with someone you know, or even just met, where they say something so off-the-wall you can’t believe it? However, they are completely serious! We’ve all been there, and none of us really know how to react. In this article, we’ve listed 25 of the most ridiculous things people have said with complete seriousness. 

1. Why is My Door Facing East?

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

“If the Earth is spinning, then why my front door is always facing east?”

The Earth rotates at 1,000 miles an hour, meaning we don’t feel the quick spins, so it seems like we aren’t rotating. In this person’s head, the Earth must not spin if their house doesn’t turn either. 

2. Why are Alaska and Hawaii Different Temperatures?

Man thinking, pondering, wondering
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

“How can Hawaii and Alaska have such different temperatures when they are right next to each other on the map?”

Alaska is at a far northern point of the U.S., while Hawaii borders far south. However, map makers save money by placing the two non-contiguous states next to each other on maps. 

3. Carbonated Means No Carbs

Cute carefree, relaxed smiling asian woman shrugging, tilt head silly and spread hands sideways indesicive, dont care, have no idea and not gonna bother about it, standing careless blue background
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Regina George famously asked Cady Heron if butter was a carb, but this person has a different explanation of carbs. 

“Yeah, bro, it says carbonated because they removed the carbs,” a user states they overheard a customer at a pharmacy utter this statement. 

4. The Earth is Young

Earth, planet, world
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

“I was on a date at an art museum. The painting tag said who it was made by the title and made Circe 1600, and she said, ‘Do you think the Earth was even around back then? You just never really know,’” a person facepalms. Their date seems to believe the art appeared from a fictional 17th century by a fake artist.

5. Email Me the PDF

Dissatisfied and confused in depression asian financier investor, male businessman working dissatisfied with exchange rate, broker in despair Frustrated and angry asian boss yelling at laptop, failure man working inside twisted office building at desk
Image Credit: voronaman/ Shutterstock.

Working at an office has its perks and its penalties. A former office worker details their most mind-boggling story from their boss. Their supervisor emailed them an important document to print and added this to the email “Can you email me back the PDF I emailed you? It’s my only copy.”

6. Ceiling Fans Cause Cancer 

Ceiling Fan
Image Credit: Wiki Commons.

Disregarding research and scientific evidence stating internal factors, mutations, radiation, and genetic conditions cause cancer, one person who is not a doctor has a different theory.  

“That ceiling fan dust was the cause of cancer. Like cancer actually did not exist until ceiling fans collected dust and it fell off,” a contributor adds.

7. Gmail, Not Email

Call center woman, office and communication for customer service, help and advice by computer with team. Crm expert, consultant and contact us for customer support, consulting clients and help desk
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A previous call center employee recalls a baffling call they received. After picking up the phone and dealing with an irritated customer, the customer admitted, “I don’t have an email; I have a Gmail.” The call center worker mentioned how much they disliked that career path. 

8. Planes Land or Crash

Cat looking out airplane window. Traveling with pets. Traveling with cats.
Image Credit: Photo Spirit/Shutterstock.

Aerophobia affects about five percent of Americans, meaning 20 million individuals struggle to board, ride, and land in a plane without cold sweats, panic, and hyperventilating. A forum member spills a tale about their friend who might have aerophobia or just doesn’t comprehend planes. 

“I don’t know how you can stand to fly when there’s a 50 percent chance the plane will crash. You know, because either it crashes or it doesn’t.”

9. Guide Dog Behind the Wheel

Green Bay,WI, USA March 16, 2019 : Small white pekingese dog watching surroundings from car window
Image Credit: Karel Bock/Shutterstock.

Seeing eye dogs, or guide dogs, typically help their blind or visually impaired owners navigate the world more easily than they would find on their own. According to this self-proclaimed authority, the dogs have a unique talent.

“A guide dog’s job is to drive the car for the blind person.”

10. Lemons are Limes

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A being shares a time involving a heated discussion surrounding citrus fruits. 

“Got into an argument with a guy that thought limes were unripe lemons. He had so much conviction that I was beginning to question my own knowledge by the end.”

11. Don’t Let the Light in

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Eggs had a moment the past year. The protein source skyrocketed due to demand and labor cost, averaging between $3 and $7 for a dozen, an overwhelming amount for 12 yolks in shells. However, the superfood costs are predicted to fall back to normal. Hopefully, the decrease in cost saves this egg eater some money. 

“If I don’t finish all my eggs within two weeks, I throw them out. I don’t want the light in the fridge to make them hatch.”

12. Cats are Always Watching

Cat meowing, mean cat, hissing
Image Credit: Wiki Commons.

“My neighbor is convinced that the stray cats in our neighborhood have cameras and recording devices. She saw something on the internet where the government secretly used them to surveil the population. Likely a clip from a movie that someone said was real,” a user tells the forum.

13. Croutons are Dried Bread

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

I believe the best snack in the world is croutons. My favorite flavor is cheddar garlic; I consume it by the handful straight from the bag. For years I preached how wonderful the creations tasted, and I even tried my hand at making my own croutons from tomato basil bread. 

A misinformed crouton disliker states, “I hate croutons. They taste like dried bread.”

14. Butterly Effect

woman hand over mouth smirk
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Sometimes, society takes ideas too seriously. In weather, the butterfly effect means that a kaleidoscope of butterflies can shift the direction of the weather. However, the shift will never be big enough to change the weather majorly.  

“Migrating butterflies are a problem because they create hurricanes with the movement of their wings,” an individual misunderstands.

15. Wait, That has Peanuts?

Man angry with laptop
Photo Credit: Damir Khabirov/Shutterstock.

“I didn’t know peanut butter was made from peanuts,” a person writes their classmate said.

I’m going to unveil some truths and Earth-shattering facts to you. Peanut butter is made from peanuts, and cashew butter is made from cashews, and guess what? Almond butter comes from almonds! 

16. Water Dehydrates You

Water Drop
Image Credit: Wiki Commons.

The main benefit of water is its power to hydrate you. In addition to keeping your body well-adjusted to the world, it regulates temperature, protects your joints, and cleans your system.

“This girl, a college student biology major no less, said she doesn’t drink water because it dehydrates you. She would only drink sports drinks,” a fellow collegiate student reports.

17. Which Way Do the Stairs Go?

woman shrugging
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Have you ever attended a concert? When you arrive, the escalators move upward until the show’s latter half. After the midpoint, the attendants switch directions and make the stairs go downward. Opt for the stair sets if you need to go down the stairs while the escalator only goes up. I know that may seem confusing, especially if you have to ask, “Do these stairs go up or down?”

18. Don’t Dry the Dryer Sheets

stupid girl
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Two negative numbers cancel each other out and make a positive. In math. If you use two items together (not in math), they will double the effect, not cancel each other out, despite popular opinion.

A figure friend once utters, “You can’t put two dryer sheets in the dryer simultaneously because they’ll cancel each other out.”

19. Beavers Built That?

woman in disbelief
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The Hoover Dam is a marvel of modern architecture and one of the largest dams in the world. The arch between Arizona and Nevada attracts millions of visitors yearly, especially high schoolers.

“A girl in my 11th-grade history class raised her hand and asked how beavers built the Hoover Dam,” a high schooler voices. 

20. When Pigs Fly

Young caucasian woman wearing business style and glasses skeptic and nervous, disapproving expression on face with crossed arms. negative person.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

I used to live in Buffalo, New York, and while the city is named after a large mammal, I never saw one in the wild because they dwell in Asia and Africa. At least, I never saw what I believed to be buffalo. But maybe I’m wrong about the species.

“For being such a large animal, I can’t believe buffalo have such small wings,” a member recalls their friend saying.

21. Cat Eggs

Frustrated worried young woman looks at laptop upset by bad news, teenager feels shocked afraid reading negative bullying message, stressed girl troubled with problem online or email notification.
Image Credit: Nebojsa Tatomirov/Shutterstock.

“Someone I knew once asked me if cats laid eggs,” a cat carer claims.

Like humans, cats are a species that gives birth to live babies. But, unlike humans, cats only spend around three months carrying their young before they give birth. They do not lay eggs and never have laid eggs.

22. Anti- Seatbelts 

Woman putting on seatbelt
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

“Another EMT that I worked with was dead serious against seatbelts because if you weren’t wearing one, you could be thrown safely away from your vehicle and not be crushed in your car,” an EMT writes. Although an EMT believes this, don’t listen to their advice. Wear your seatbelt.

23. Floating Islands

Tired woman
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could travel anywhere we wanted by pointing to an island and telling it to come our way? An audience member recounts what their acquaintance expressed. 

“Islands break off and magically float away. Like a glacier just floating around.”

24. Dinosaurs Didn’t Exist

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Fossils, footprints, museums, archaic evidence, and more all point to the existence of dinosaurs millions of years ago. But, as people do, they look at the facts and choose to ignore them. Many explain they’ve run into too many people who “didn’t think dinosaurs were actually real, just a tale/legend like dragons and unicorns.”

25. Infected Computers

Sick african american girl working from home office. Ill young black woman with cold, sitting at desk with laptop computer and sneezing for allergy.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Be careful what you download on your computer. According to somebody’s father, “computer viruses can also infect humans.”

Viruses can affect humans and technology, but computer viruses do not jump out of the computer and latch on to humans, and vice versa.

Source: Reddit.


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